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June 8 2022

Why You Should Visit FILTEC at a Trade Show

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As the world continues to bounce back from the effects Coronavirus has had on our society, another event is bouncing back as well: Trade Shows. Several packaging industry trade shows have either been completely dark or have been "virtual" since the COVID outbreak started. Now, many shows are starting to come back as in-person events.

If you're on the fence about attending an upcoming trade show, such as Expo Pack Mexico and ProPak Asia next week, here are three reasons why it's a good idea:

1) A Safe Experience: The trade shows in our industry are taking many steps to make sure that attending is a safe experience for everyone. This means health pre-screening of exhibitors and attendees to keep contagious people from spreading infection. Some shows still encourage or require attendees to wear personal protective gear, such as face masks.

2) Take the Industry's Pulse: If it's been a few years since you've attended an industry trade show, attending one now will bring you up to speed on the latest industry trends. Technology never stands still, and there have been great advances in areas that include camera-based Vision inspection solutions.

3) Meet Face to Face: Visiting an industry trade show is a great opportunity to ask questions and make inquiries about inspection technologies to the solution manufacturers in person. For many people, this is the first time they've had the chance to meet people from their industry in person for several years. If you enjoy networking with others in your field, many trade shows offer opportunities to meet up throughout the convention.

There are many other benefits to attending an industry trade show, including opportunities to take free training classes, listen to expert keynotes, and see products in action in the Expo Hall. If you're ready to meet the FILTEC team in person and are in Latin America, we will be at booth #3030 at the Expo Pack Mexico event. If you are in Asia, we will be at ProPak Asia, booth #B41. We hope to see you soon!

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